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Founded in 2016, Just Bee is a registered charity working on the front line to help individuals and families combat poverty in Dundee. Our organisation operates as a de facto crisis center with an open door policy. We are open six days per week, and reachable by phone seven days per week.


Currently we work with 120 adults p/w addressing wide ranging issues for example food poverty, mental ill-health, addiction, domestic abuse. We have a hub model of engagement and use the arts as a soft-engagement tool to involve people branded "difficult to reach". We are a team of full-time support workers and part-time therapists working alongside freelance community-arts practitioners  to cultivate a non-judgmental  and potentially life changing environment where people access a wide range of support. We support and advocate for those directly and indirectly impacted by addiction including  families, children and those who personally struggle with substance misuse. 


Our services include one to one support, twice weekly free community lunches, informal social gatherings, networking with on-site health practitioners and referrals with partner-services. We provide regular arts workshops and physical fitness opportunities as diversionary activities for those struggling with addiction.


We also provide volunteer and short term sessional employment opportunities through our pathways program. We are also in the process of launching a free to access community counselling service in partnership with Abertay University which will cut waiting times for initial mental health assessment and assist individuals in making psychologically informed decisions about treatment options. Our principal objective is to assist people at their time of need


"HMScotland is delighted to support DRYve with one event in Dundee and launch their new offer in Glasgow. DRYve is a pioneering, monthly live music event which offers a place for people in recovery to enjoy live music in an alcohol and drug-free environment"


Since becoming involved with Just Bee Productions I have experienced a feeling of belonging that I hadn't previously. I have been encouraged to be myself and that my contribution is valuable. I am far more appreciative of my own talents as well as those of fellow participants. Being creative in a safe environment with great people has been extremely beneficial to my own health and wellbeing as well as super fun. 

- Kevin Hamil

This is one of those productions that someone has sweated over, bled into, and endured a long painstakeing Labour giving birth to it...This is an amateur cast made up of people who are recovering alcoholics or who feel strongly about this issue.


-louder than war (Drink the musical review)

For me being involved with JBP has meant rediscovering the pleasure of mixing with other people - many of whom are going through the same journey - taking encouragement from the support they offer and contributing, where I can, myself

-Alistair Wyllie

© 2018 by Just Bee Productions

Registered Charity SC046945

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